Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fattening up

It's been quite a week since I last wrote anything here. I had four chemotherapy infusions last Tues-Friday. Three drugs on Tuesday and two drugs on the other days. The infusions themselves weren't that bad - the main thing is that they are quite time consuming, usually lasting at least 4 hours. I don't have a permanent line in me at the moment so I have to get a new IV put in each day. Fortunately, the nurses were all great and (for the most part) were able to get me hooked up on the first try. There is something about getting poked repeatedly that doesn't sit well!

The side effects weren't too bad from the chemo. There was a whole host of possibilities, but nausea was the main one. Fortunately, they seem to have that side effect pretty well figured out with medications. I was on a couple extra meds over the weekend because of the possibility of delayed nausea. These wiped me out for a few days. I'm sure the chemo added to it as well, but I just was extremely tired with no energy for about three days. I'm feeling more like myself today though so I'm quite happy about that.

While I was getting an infusion last week we had a chance to talk with a nutritionist. I had lost 20-25 pounds over the past month or so - she gave us a bunch of ideas to help me regain the weight. I had been eating fairly well, but hadn't realized that I really needed to start paying attention to calorie and protein intake to make sure I was getting everything my body needed. So we went out and bought a lot of whole milk dairy products, protein shakes, and other protein and calorie rich foods. I've been working hard at eating as much as possible. Fortunately, I've been able to maintain a fairly good appetite through the treatments. I think that I at least have stopped losing weight and hopefully have gained some back.

Tomorrow I have an appointment for some blood work and a check up to make sure I got through the first round of chemo well enough. After that we are hoping to head home to the U.P. for a week or so. Hopefully they won't need to schedule any more new appointments during that time. We haven't really been home in about 2 months or so with our work at Traverse City this summer and then all of the medical issues. It will be amazingly good for us to get back even if it's not for long.

It's a little overwhelming too though because we're not sure what all we should try to get done while were there. We both longing for a drive up the Keweenaw and of course a stop at the JamPot along the way. For those of you who don't know - the Keweenaw is the most beautiful peninsula on Lake Superior - and the jampot is a bakery run by monks who make otherwordly baked goods and jams. We can't wait!

Otherwise, we're keeping our spirits as high as we can and trying to keep taking a day or two at a time. Thanks so much for all of your thoughts and prayers!


Phyllis said...

Hi Brian and Jessica,

I hope this note finds you happily fat after a stop at the Jamspot and now driving the Keewenaw Peninsula!

I'm so glad that you have weathered the first multi-drug infusion episode and at least felt more like yourself towards the end.

I can't wait to hear about your next adventure!

As always, wishing you both great strength in the coming months,


Anonymous said...

Hey Brian! Vicki told me about your blog, and so I thought I'd check it out. You and Jess are both in our thoughts and prayers as you wrestle through this...thanks for keeping us posted.